
1. Introduction to the conference

The China-Japan-Korea Grassland Conference is co-sponsored by the Grassland Society of China, the Grassland Society of Japan and the Grassland and Forage Society of Korea, which held every two years in three countries in turn. The original purpose of the conference is to promote the exchange and cooperation among grass scientists and industries in ChinaJapanKorea and neighboring countries, and to give full play to the function of grass "ecology, production and life". At present, the conference has received wide attention from experts and scholars at home and abroad. The First China-Japan-Korea International Grassland Conference has been successfully held in Hiroshima in 2004. Since then, the conference has been held in Aichi, Sapporo, Seoul,Jeju Island, Changchun and Lanzhou for seven times. The topics of the conference included "Organic integration of cropping and animal husbandry", "Sustainable grazing systems", "Utilization of germplasm resources", "Development and challenges of grassland and grassland agriculture in East Asia", "Genetic breeding and forage farming in East Asia", and "Forage genetics", "Forage Genetic Breeding and Physiology", "Forage Utilization and Livestock Production", "Biomass Energy Crops", "Asian Grassland Science Network ", etc.

After the competition among the national societies and the voting of the society members, the "8th China-Japan-Korea International Grassland Congress" will be held in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia in 2022, which co-organized by the Chinese Grassland Society, the Japanese Grassland Society and the Korean Grassland and Forage Society, and undertake by Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, the Grassland Society of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and Mengcao Ltd. Experts and scholars in the field of grass science from Japan, New Zealand, Canada and the Netherlands will be invited to participate in this conference. The conference will focus on the development trend of grassland ecology and grassland agricultural economy in Northeast Asia and the main hot issues facing the grassland industry.


2. Agenda(Important time)





28th November Morning

Open ceremony & plenary speeches

28th November Afternoon


1. Grass germplasm resources and innovation of grass seed industry

2. Forage physiology and forage production

3. Grassland ecology and grassland agriculture

4. Climate change and grassland carbon

5. Grassland and pastoralists’ livelihood

29th November Morning


1. Grass germplasm resources and innovation of grass seed industry

2. Forage physiology and forage production

3. Grassland ecology and grassland agriculture

4. Climate change and grassland carbon

5. Grassland and pastoralists’ livelihood

29th November Afternoon

Plenary speeches & closing ceremony


Important dates

Early bird registration: before 15th November

Papers and application submission: before 15th November

3. Presentation(Invited presentation, Session presentation)

1). Grass germplasm resources and innovation of grass seed industry

2). Forage physiology and forage production

3). Grassland ecology and grassland agriculture

4). Climate change and grassland carbon

5). Grassland and pastoralists’ livelihood

4. Conference registration(registration website,fee,registration bank account,receipt)


Early registration

(until 15th November 2022)

Late registration

(15th November-27th November 2022)










5. Paper submission and poster (paper title and abstract submission)

The conference proceedings will include conference report papers, monographs and abstracts. The requirements are as follows:

1). The content or abstract of the paper submitted has not been published in an academic journal and other presented at other academic conferences. Please write your paper or abstract using Word software in English (paper or abstract template will provided in the second announcement).

2). Presenters may submit report papers (no more than 6 pages) and other participants may submit monographs or abstracts (no more than 2 pages for monographs and no more than 1 page for abstracts).

3). Participants who apply for the session reports should indicate this in their application, and submit the title and abstract before 15th November, 2022. The committee will select the candidates for the session reports.

4). Participants who apply for poster reports should indicate the title in their application. Please submit the printed poster to the organizer for posting at the venue.

5). The deadline for submission of papers and abstracts is 15th November, 2022. See annex 1 for submission guidelines and poster guidelines.


6. Hotel and transportation information



Address: No. 20, Genghis Khan Street, New District, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia

Tel.: +86-471-3288888

7. Contact information

Address: New campus, IMAU(No. 29, Erdos East Street, Saihan district, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia)

Telphone: +86-471-4316259

Email address: cjkgrassland@vip.163.com

Mengli Zhao: Telphone:+86-15248060203, email: nmgmlzh@126.com

Zhiguo Li: Telphone:+86-13664813622, email: nmndlzg@163.com

Narisu: Telphone:+86-18047176575,email: narisu@imau.edu.cn

Linxi Hu: Telphone:+86-13847369825,email: hlinxi77@163.com

来源作者:本站 cn 发布时间:2022-10-17 查看:680